
Santa Cruz Bankruptcy Attorney | San Jose Bankruptcy Attorney
August Bullock. We can help.

bankruptcy lawyerBankruptcy Attorney
August Bullock

Santa Cruz Bankruptcy Attorney
San Jose Bankruptcy Attorney
August Bullock
- (831) 466-9047 or (408) 504 4095

If you have more debts than you can handle, we can help.™

Most bankruptcy lawyers take on lots of cases- and then hire a staff to keep up with the volume.

I employ the opposite approach. I handle only a few chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy cases at a time, and give each client my undivided, personal attention.

I can accomodate your schedule. Home visits to discuss your bankruptcy options are possible, if that is convenient for you.

I have been a bankruptcy attorney since 1988. In the 1990s I had a prominent bankruptcy practice in San Francisco. I employed a large staff and advertised in 11 newspapers. I have personally handled over 1,500 chapter 7 and chapter 13 cases, and have appeared at thousands of bankruptcy court hearings.

Today I attend to each and every detail myself. Your chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy case will progress smoothly and efficiently, and your debts will be eliminated to the greatest extent permitted by law.

I moved to Santa Cruz around 1997. My main office is on Soquel Avenue in Santa Cruz, and I have another office San Jose office on East Hamilton. I travel to San Jose frequently to meet clients, and because the bankruptcy court is there.

If you have credit card debts, tax problems, mortgage arrears, or face challenges with a small business, call me for a free bankruptcy consultation today. These are challenging times and you are not alone.

408 504 4095
831 466 9047 

Serenity bankruptcy